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By Hadja Lahbib


“Afghanistan: time of women” is the cross-portrait of two strong personalities of the Afghan landscape, to  through the eyes and daily lives of two women with exceptional journeys: Habiba Sorabi and Aïcha Habibi.

 One embodies the emerging democratic power, the other the autocratic power of the warlords of the remote provinces. Together, they represent the current divide in Afghanistan, with the particularity that these are not bearded turbaned people, but two women in power in a country of men. How did they establish themselves? How do they exercise their authority? Is their way of ruling different from that of men? How are they perceived by their own people? Do they act towards the liberation of women or do they limit themselves to perpetuating ancestral inequalities?

A production Les Films de la Passerelle, Les Passeurs de lumière, RTBF, France 3,  Le Centre du cinéma et de l’audiovisuel de la Communauté française de Belgique, TSR, CBC,  Radio-Canada RDI,  la Direction du Développement et de la Coopération suisse – DDC, la Coopération belge au Développement – DGCD, La Loterie Nationale, La Défense Nationale, With the support of Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral Belge, Casa Kafka Pictures ,EVS

Technical sheet
Year: 2007
Duration: 52'
Language: French 
Direction: Hadja Lahbib

Cinematography: Louis-Philippe Capelle
Sound: Benoît Bruwier
Editing: Monique Rysselinck and Bertrand Menut
Christine Pireaux - Les Films de la Passerelle
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